U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds headliners 2025 Air Show @ Jones Beach
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The 2024 annual Jones Beach air show will have many featured guests: The United States Army Golden Knights Parachute Team will make their 17th appearance, other military performers joining the lineup include the U.S. Navy F-35C Tac Demonstration Team, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the 106th Rescue Wing NY Air National Guard HC – 130 / HH 60 Demonstration Team... the American Air Power Museum Warbirds, Long Island’s own David Windmiller and the SUNY Farmingdale State College Flying Rams, who plan to fly 22 of their college-owned aircraft... Civilian performers on the list include the world-famous Skytypers and their flight squadron of five vintage WWII aircraft and Mike Goulian, the most decorated aerobatic pilot in North America.

SAT & SUN - May 25,26 - 10AM to 3PM
N88 Bus Info
Get there early. In the past, this show has easily seen 200,000 people fill up the beach on a single day. It is not unusual for the parking lots to be filled by 8:00am (if not earlier). When this happens, the parkways are closed and people are turned away. So, it is probably a good idea to arrive before 8:00am, or as early as reasonably possible.
SUNSCREEN. Bring it. You will be in the sun for over five hours. Trust me, you will need plenty of it.
BAGS, BACKPACKS, AND COOLERS ARE OK (this is a beach you know), but keep in mind THEY WILL BE SEARCHED so don't bring too much stuff along with you. It will also get crowded near show-center, and extra baggage could make movement difficult. There is a nice fast-food style restaurant on the East end of the beach, and refreshment vendors will be located along the boardwalk. If you want to keep costs low, you may want to bring along your own drinks and snacks. There will be no bleachers or seating of any sort (with the exception of the VIP Chalets that require a separate entry fee purchased before the show), so bring a blanket to sit on, or a foldable chair. If you plan on sitting close to the water, you might want to bring a jacket or long-sleeved shirt. Even though the air temperature may be warm, the waters will still be cold and can cause the area right by the shoreline to be surprisingly chilly.
EARPLUGS /or EARMUFFS are suggested - for the younger viewers (6 & under) Please use earmuffs since earplugs are a choking hazard.. The jets can get loud, and you might get stuck next to some annoying guy who won't shut up about his cats.
Photography is always fun at an air show, but there are several things to keep in mind, and you should know the limits of your camera. Even though the planes will be close, they will still be far enough away that you will need a decent amount of zoom. The beach faces South, directly into the sun, so most everything will be backlit all day. Also, the air tends to get quite hazy, making it difficult to get a crisp shot. Don't let these handicaps prevent you from bringing your camera, however. You never know what kind of moments you will be able to capture.
KITES ARE PROHIBITED. They can easily distract the performers, and that could result in some rather nasty stuff. Please leave these flying machines at home.
NO PETS. Of course, this excludes animals that aid the handicapped. Unless that animal happens to be a ferret, and if you are using a ferret to lead you around everywhere, you will probably have trouble getting to the show in the first place. f-18 sh
U.S. Navy F-18 Super Hornet click here
F-22 Demo Team click here

Watching the Show
For those with boats, the show can be viewed from Zach's Bay or from the ocean. However, there are restrictions as to where in the ocean the show can be watched. I was able to find these parameters for the 2005 show, and I can only assume that they will be the same for this year. And if they aren't exactly the same, the worst that can happen is the Coast Guard will yell at you and tell you to move. No biggie.
"Sec. 165.T01-033 Safety Zone; Jones Beach Air show, Jones Beach, Wantagh, NY. .. (a) Location. Beginning at a point on land located in Jones Beach State Park at approximate position 40[deg]35'06'' N, 073[deg]32'37'' W, then running east along the shoreline of Jones Beach State Park to approximate position 40[deg]35'49'' N, 073[deg]28'47'' W; then running south to an position in the Atlantic Ocean off of Jones Beach at approximate position 40[deg]34'23'' N, 073[deg]32'23'' W; then running west to approximate position 40[deg]35'05'' N, 073[deg]28'34'' W; then running north to the point of beginning at approximate position 40[deg]35'06'' N, 073[deg]32'37'' W. All coordinates are North American Datum 1983."
Long Island Expressway
Visitors may arrive at the museum from the Long Island Expressway by exiting south on Exit 49, Route 110. Following the LIRR trestle, make a left on Conklin Avenue, proceed to New Highway and turn right. Pass two hangars and make a right hand turn into museum parking. The museum entrance is the red door at the hangar marked "American Airpower Museum."
Other Links from previous performers:
Military: U.S. Army Golden Knights USMC MV-22 Osprey US NAVY Parachute Team “The Leap Frogs”
Civilian: Skytypers Sean D. Tucker – Aviation Specialties: Oracle Challenger III Misty Blues All Women Skydiving Team Matt Chapman Airshows: Embry-Riddle Eagle 580 David Windmiller: Bethpage Waterfiller Zivko Edge 540 Carl Skinner T-28 Trojan John Klatt Airshows Screamin’ Sasquatch Jet Waco Aerobatic Team B-17 Yankee Lady American Airpower Museum Warbirds Red Bull Air Force
Admission Price: FREE
Parking Cost: $10.00
Parking to be paid at the Field, not toll booths.
Official Air Show website: www.bethpageairshow.com
Train Info Long Island Rail Road